Customer Testimonials

Apollo Sheet Metal, Inc.

Kevin Beck visited my job site “The Tulalip Hotel and Conference Center” in early 2007. We were getting ready to start hanging plumbing pipe from the second floor. The Mechanical Shield sample he left with the live hinge and the snap interlock seemed to be a product I would like to try. The shields are easy to install speeds up production of pipe installation as well as pipe insulation. We placed an order and it was delivered on time and complete. We had some odd ball sizes and Mechanical Pipe Shields was able at every turn to provide the proper shield. We used them on horizontal storm drain up to 12″ and copper pipe 5″ to 3/4″. I was so impressed with the shields that I forwarded the information to my office to be shared with other Plumbing managers and foreman. All in all the insulating shields provided by Mechanical Pipe Shields were superior in quality to others on the market and the service was unbeatable. I look forward to our next project where I can use them again.

Emmett Denison
Project Manager

Holaday-Parks, Inc.

We have found that the PVC-jacketed shilds marketed by Snappitz are quick and easy to install, nicer for the insulation contractor to butt up to, and do not suffer the crumbling, waste and powder residue frequently associated with the old-fashioned calcium silicate shields. Our pipefitters prefer to use these shields over the old-style ones as they hold up much better in pre-installation handling, and more importantly the men are able to avoid inhalation of the calcium silicate particulate.

Since we have found these PVC shields to be no more costly than the old cal-sils, we have adopted this Snappitz brand as our company standard (in the sizes that are thus far available). We look forward to the addition of more and larger sizes in the near future.

Guy Wigley
Purchasing Manager

Eagle Harbor Associates, LLC

During the past year, Eagle Harbor has been introduced to a revolutionary new thermal pipe shield, the Trymer 2000 Snapp Itz. After using the Snapp Itz on the Snoqualmie Valley Middle School project, we made a companywide decision to exclusively use the Trymer 2000 Snapp Itz. This is the thermal pipe shield of the future. The advantage of the Snapp Itz was clear from day one. The Trymer 2000 Snapp Itz not only saves labor, but also is a much cleaner material to handle and store.

The days of handling heavy/dusty boxes of calcium silicate shields are over. Once our guys in the field got their hands on this product, they won’t use anything else.

Adam Bratonia
Project Manager

Brian Trematore Plumbing and Heating

As an experienced plumbing and heating contractor being in the field for nearly thirty years and having successfully completed numerous multi-million dollar contracts, any time a new product is introduced to the market, a fair dose of skepticism is a necessary preventative measure to falling victim to trumped up claims of product performance. Fortunately there are some products that have a place before they hit the market and are instant successes. Snappitz produces an entire line of these products.

On a recent project where CPVC piping was the material of choice, a simple, cost-effective solution was required for addressing the expansion and contraction of the CPVC pipe. Snappitz immediately captured our attention.

In the current general economic atmosphere, any domestically manufactured, distributed and sold products carry special weight. Snappitz are made domestically and are simple to install. For applications requiring continuous insulation on pipes as well as thermal expansion and contraction, this is a fantastic solution to multiple challenges all while being an economical, domestically produced solution.

Furthermore, another aspect of Snappitz that is entitled accolades would be customer service. When you call Snappitz you deal directly with the people who field all of your concerns. In its efforts to give customers what they wanted, Snappitz’ response to customer input has been exemplary. After having received our first shipment of Snappitz we had some input that we felt would help make the labeling of the Snappitz much more transparent. By the time the rest of our shipment had arrived, all of our input had been taken into account and actually implemented! The new labels are very easy to read.

It is not often in this industry that a new manufacturer with a new product comes along and really makes waves. Snappitz has made one thing clear with their new product line: surf’s up.

If you wish to discuss our experience with Snappitz further please do not hesitate to contact us at our office: 973-227-8330.

Chris Leanzo

Puget Sound Pipe and Supply

I had a customer ask me about a product called Snappitz around 6 months ago. I did my due diligence and looked into the product line as I had with so many other lines that turned out to be duds. From the start I was extremely impressed with the simplicity of the product line while bringing innovation and a fresh idea to improve a relatively basic product. With the help of Kevin Beck the owner of Snappitz it has been a no brainer for us to bring into our inventory. The Product line has taken off and has exceeded my expectations of sales so well that a couple weeks after my initial order I placed a second order to expand and increase my stocking levels.

The factory support we receive is incredible. Snappitz helps us sell their product through joint sales calls, tracking projects, and getting the product to us on time. We have had a great time taking this product to market. It is always fun to show a customer a new product and see them get excited about it. Customers are looking for places to use the product due to its labor saving qualities and the fact that it is superior to the standard products currently being installed in my market.

Snappitz really sells itself when you put it in the customers hands. I look forward to continuing to increasing our market share with our current customer base, and using Snappitz to help open the door to customers that currently we don’t do a large majority of business with.

Erik Heilbrun
Branch Manager